April 28:
Srila Gurudeva came back from Fiji on Friday. He was exhausted from his trip, but he has been in very good spirits. He has been telling all the devotees here about the very nice unspoiled traditional culture in Fiji. For sure we Westeners have a lot to learn from them.
In Fiji he was mainly counseling and helping the devotees, who for the most part are disciples of Srila Tamal krishna Maharaja. Gurudeva wrote a beautiful diary about his experiences with the devotees and he included his personal feelings about Tamal Krishna Maharaja’s departure. Gurudeva also gave many classes in Fiji where he stressed the importance of Tamal krishna Maharaja remaining the siksa guru for everyone in Fiji. Those classes are online now for everyone to hear.
Gurudeva will be resting here in New Goloka for few weeks before leaving for Europe. I will be posting daily pictures of him and Their Lordships SriSri RadhaGolokananda on the darshan page and hopefully I can also post more news here about Gurudeva’s activities while he is resting here in New Goloka.
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