Gurnsey January 3, 2002
Gurudeva arrived at Gurnsey, known as the island of cows, as the first sannyasa to ever visit. Gurudeva also took the devotees out on the first harinama of Gurnsey. Bk. Marcus was initiated as Madhava das. He and his wife Narayani (a disciple of HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj) live there in Gurnsey.
January 7, 2002
Arriving in Prabhupada Desa from the Bhaktivedanta Manor was like night and day. Prabhupada Desa is located in a small rural village of northern Italy. Prabhupada Desa is an old castle which operated as a monastery before the devotees acquired the building. Now, there are not many devotees living in the temple, and it is a lot to maintain for them. They have beautiful brass Gaura Nitai Deities. The temple president, Guru Caran is a very sweet older devotee. He, like Gurudeva, sets a nice example for the devotees with his sadhana. Gurudeva pointed out in class there that whatever the leaders do, the other devotees will follow, citing sadhana as an example for this point. Since the temple is financially very strained presently(the phrase I heard mostly while there was »we are very poor«), the entire temple (castle) is not heated. Actually, only the temple room is heated, and Gurudeva’s room was heated as well. It was unusually cold in Italy while we were there, and the pipes for the heating were also broken. In the middle of the afternoon, you could see your own breath in the asrama. For us westerners, the austeritis of the cold, and heating water on the stove to bathe were great to opportunities to really focus on our devotional service and Krishna, purify the mind, appreciate what we DO have in America, and also to see the dedication of the devotees living there.
Some grhastas there have a business selling manufacturing and selling cookies, sweets, and other food items. They do quite well. The factory, situated in an extension of the castle, is quite nice. They distribute the items by sending them off, and they also set up booths at all kinds of conventions, markets, and other fairs.
January 8, 2002
Gurudeva arrived late in the night at Prabhupada Desa from England. Devotees from all over Italy also started arriving there for some meetings. There is a center a couple of hours away from the temple, so many of those devotees came. One mateji also came, a very nice Prabhupada disciple who is expert in Ravioli. She made some to offer to all of the devotees and also for Gurudeva.
Gurudeva had meetings all day with the devotees in the community, and also with the devotees from a nearby preaching center, and its community. Many of the devotees enthusiastically prepared things for Gurudeva according to his special diet. All of the devotees in Prabhupada Desa had a wonderful service attitude, and are very exemplary for continuing such dedicated service through so much austerity.
January 9, 2002
Gurudeva gave class this morning. Many of the devotees in the community came the morning program since Gurudeva was visiting. Gurudeva had meetings with some devotees and also with Madhu Sevita Prabhu, the GBC for Italy.
January 10, 2002
The Temple President in Slovania, came to Prabhupada Desa yesterday to bring us there. We greeted the Deities at Mangal Arotika, and then left for Libjianja, Slovania by 4:45. Due to the excessive speed, we arrived in time for Gurupuja, and Gurudeva then gave class. In class Gurudeva spoke on many wonderful points about chanting, and being conscious of the meaning behind our activities and devotional service, and avoiding ritualistic activities in our lives. For instance, one example he gave was how sweet the Guruvastaka Prayers for Mnagal Arotika (not the Samsara prayers) are when you actually concentrate on the meaning behind each verse. Then he also spoke about the importance of attentive chanting and working hard at our chanting. Gurudeva was explaining how we can put ourselves on automatic pilot (put our finger in our bead bag, move the fingers and the counter beads, and two hours later the counter beads are done), if we are not attentive in our chanting. He stated that japa time is the most important devotional activity that we perform, and that everything else comes from our quality of japa. He said that after 30 years of chanting we can be in the same place as when we started if we are not working very hard and strenuously each time we chant a single mantra. He also was explaining the different types of chanting such as nama bhasa and nama aparadha. The thesis seemed to be very attentive while chanting our japa, and to be conscious of what we are doing in every activity.
We went out for an afternoon walk with all of the devotees. We attempted to walk into a mountain park just a few blocks away from the temple, but all of the paths were pure ice, and we forgot our skates. Therefore, we proceeded to walk through the flat paths along the city and at the edge of the park. Slovania is actually a beautiful country. The temple is situated in a mountainous area. It is also much more developed than Italy.
There was also an isthagosthi with Gurudeva and all of the temple devotees. It lasted over two hours. I can see here how all of the devotees really appreciate Gurudeva’s association and relish having such nice association. The devotees are eager to hear from Gurudeva and take guidance from him. They also are all so eager to serve him, and facilitate his service. The mood here is very sweet.
Later, after prasada Gurudeva was speaking with us on the history of many of these places that we are visiting. It was so interesting to hear of the history behind the people, which helps us to understand the most ancient history we are giving through the scriptures, and also to understand the poeple and their culture, and how they, as a culture, are applying Krishna consciousness.
Bhaktin Adriana arrived tonight from her town, which is just about 2-3 hours away, depending on whether she hitchikes or takes the train. She stays in the asrama on the weekends at the temple. She will be taking initiation on Sunday.
January 11, 2002 Libjlanja, Slovenia
Many devotees came for the morninig program today – including many community members. Gurudeva started by speaking about Udaranatha Thakur and Mahesh Pandit, as it was both of their disappearance days. He explained that in Krishna lila, they are two of the 12 principle cowherd boys, and in Caitanya lila, they assist Lord Nityananda in the Pannihati festival. He went on to SB 1.1.15. Gurudeva was speaking on the advent of the Ganges by Bhagirath’s austerities, and how Mother Ganga had two objections to coming, which he then answered to mitigate her objections. Some wonderful points that he brought out were the importance of our choice of association, and the influence that the modes have on us, and the importance and purity of the association of pure devotees. He illustrated these points with many stories such as: Gopala Capala and Srivasa Thakur, Mukunda, Jada Bharata and King Rahugana, Kali Das and Lord Caitnaya, Narada Muni, and also stories about Srila Prabhupada and Srila Bhaktisidanta Saraswati Thakur.
Gurudeva took the devotees out for a walk again in the afternoon.
The devotees arranged a nama-hata program in a nearby town. They rented out a primary school classroom. It took almost an hour to get there. Along the way Gurudeva was telling us the story about how he joined Krishna consciousness, and at the same time talking about how much service George Harrison has done for Srila Prabhupada. He was telling us how he had first heard ‘My Sweet Lord’ on the radio and then was listening all of the time for that song. Then he finally recorded it and started to listen to it continuously while chanting ‘hallelujiah Hare Krishna!’ Not knowing the meaning, or the potency, he continued chanting. Then he received a Krishna book some time later. After reading about a blue boy who stole butter and fed it to monkeys, that image stayed fixed in his mind and would not leave, although it sounded odd. Wondering what was happening, he then met devotees and started going to the temple. Just a short time after being at the temple he met Srila Prabhupada, and realiying he had met his eternal spiritual master, wrote to him 3 weeks later asking for initiation. We all know how dedicated and determined he is in serving Srila Prabhupada, all of the vaisnavas, and continually preaching. Srila Gurudeva ki jaya!
As we arrived at the classroom there were about 40 devotees present. The teacher’s desk up front was covered and a small altar was set up with pictures. Gurudeva sang some bhajan first and then began to speak about the glories of the holy name. He was explaining our heart is very dirty and covering our real consciousness, blocking us from seeing God, but the chanting of Hare Krishna is a cleansing process, like cleaning off eye glasses so one can see. This chanting process is the proof that Krishna consciousness is real. He gave the example of how when he was doing college preaching he would tell the students to simply take some japa beads home and try chanting for one day- and not to worry about the philosophy. After just one day they would come back completely enthusiastic from experienciing this taste of chanting Hare Krishna. He also pointed out how Krishna consciousness is not an indoctrinating religion. We don’t force or scare people by telling them they will go to hell, but people personally experience a relationship with God. He then continued to show examples of the potency of chanting with the story of Haridasa Thakur and Cintamani the prostitute.
He also brought up the point that in our Krishna consciousness, if we develop desires, such as going to see the movies (we had learned that our Vaisnava host of the program was so expert in his English and its slang from watching Americn movies) it is due to not chanting properly. He also gave the example then about how the six Goswamis had given up so much opulence to simply chant and wear a ½ dhoti. If we do not experience such pleasure in our chanting, he continued, it is due to our material attachments. He continued to give examples from Narottama Das Thakur’s bhajan, and also Lord Nityananda and the dacoits who came to steal from him.
There were many very nice questions asked.such as: What is the importance of chanting 16 rounds? What is the best way to preach to our parents? If we are chanting for some time and we still have feelings of anxiety, fear, etc, why is this happening?
There was one power lifter champion in the audience of the lecture, and so Gurudeva proceeded to tell a story of how Ravana was a great powerlifter. He lifted Mt. Kailash and wanted to challenge Siva.
January 12, 2002 Slovenia
Gurudeva gave class today from SB 1.1.16. He was speaking about the symptoms of Kali yuga. He went on to tell us how Duryodhana was actually Kali who appeared earlier as offense personified. He was telling us stories about Duryodhana and his birth, and then went on to tell the story of Kali and the bull and how Maharaj Pariksit dealt with him. Gurudeva was saying how quarrel means Kali is present, and any quarrel amongst the devotees means we have let our guard down, letting Kali leak in, just like a boat with a leak lets all kinds of water in. He was then speaking about his rap song, which is also on his website, which explains all of the symptoms of Kali-Yuga and he gave us a little sample. Explaining that this age has so many miseries, such as the cold weather (present in Slovenia) he said that they can actually be advantageous to our Krishna consciousness. I personally saw in Prabhupada Desa how the devotees were living without heat, but were so dedicated to their service and to Srila Prabhupada. One devotee here asked how, on a practical level, to avoid quarrel within a temple– Gurudeva said that to hear and chant together will protect the devotees from Kali/quarrel. He then said that the only thing that will impede this Krishna consciousness movement (as Prabhupada had said) is quarrel amongst the devotees.
One devotee musician, came to see Gurudeva today, as they plan to do some recording with Tat Purusa, an expert musician just two blocks from the temple. Another devotee came to see him from Croatia.
There was a meeting with the national council today, and Gurudeva also showed a video on George Harrison. It showed many devotees speaking about George, their interactions with him, and his interactions with Prabhupada.
All of the devotees here are approaching me and asking how they can serve Gurudeva. They have such a wonderful service attitude here in Slovenia. The Temple President is also so facilitating. He inquired about which groceries were needed for Gurudeva, and went out and got them personally, despite his busy schedule maintaining a job, and running the temple.
January 13, 2002
The Sunday fest was also the initiation of Bhaktin Adriana. She was so nervous all day. She is such a sincere devotee. In Slovenia, they have the devotees complete a degree program (similar to Bhakti-Sastra) before they can be recommended for initiation. Tehrefore, Bhaktin Adrinana was required to complete the Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhgaavad Gita, and some other books before she could be properly recommended for initiation. The program started with bhajan and then Srila Gurudeva came and gave the lecture on harinama initiation. HE was saying how Srila Prabhupada would always speak on the ten offenses against chanting the holy names, and so he went throught the ten offenses as well, their importance, and the practical application of each one in our lives. Then Bhaktin Adriana received her name…….ADI LILA ! He described that Adi Lila is the orginal pastimes of Krishna and Radharani. Being the last night he was there in Slovenia, many of the devotees went in to see him. One matei also brought us up to see Sri Pancatattva. The Deities in Slovenia are Pancatattva, but while we were there, They were staying in a room upstairs, as They were going to be painted. The Deities were unpainted. They were so beautiful.
January 16,2002 Denmark
Gurudeva gave class this morning from SB 2.1.20. He spoke on how EXTREMELY important it is to understand the three modes of material nature in order to rise above them. He explained also how the common question about why we don’t eat garlic and inions (they ARE vegetarian) is very simple- they are in the mode of ignorance and we don’t want to associate with that mode. He also explained the four regulative principles in the same manner- that they are very entangling and put one into the lower modes. He went on to speak about how Lord Kapiladeva, in the 3rdCanto of the SB explained devotional service in the three modes of nature. He emphasized that we need to pick and choose our association in Krishna consciousness very carefully, as devotees in certain modes will influence us in the same mode. He said that the association that we choose is 90% of the game. He went on to explain that our consciousness is too valuable to risk- we should keep it clean. For the women- just like a new silk sari … and for the men- like a new BMW, and as Prabhupada gave the example, like an elephant who takes a bath and then again throws dirt on himself. So, we should clean our consciousness, and keep it lean, and not risk it getting dirty by associating with lower modes. See the actual lecture online for all the details!
Since Gurudeva is only in Denmark for two days, he will be staying at the temple and speaking with all of the devotees here.
January 17, 2002 Denmark
Gurudeva is losing his voice from a cold/illness. He gave class from SB 1.2.21. He spoke on pantheism (seeing God in nature) and Vaisnava pantheism. He was explaining how Madhvacarya heldf up two fingers for dualism, that God is here and is the creator of this material realm, but t the same time He is always situated in His eternal abode, enjoying His pastimes with the gopis. He went on to explain that pantheism is recommednded for a few reasons: 1) It teaches that there is something larger, more powerful than ourselves; 2) It instills fear (so big vs. so small) , 3) causes one to sk questions about life and absolute knowledge.
He went on to talk about the fear concept, and how it is actually very good, as it keeps people honest (for the lower class of people), but in Kali yuga, we are all lower class, and so this fear can be helpful for us in following the regulative principles, and in making decisions in our life. If we imagine for example, having a television camera on us 24 hours a day, in every place that we go, it would keep us acting in a certain way. So we should always remember that Krishna is everywhere, in our heart, in every atom, and watching everything that we do.
One devotee asked a question about how people were sometimes more honest before joining, and then got into so many different schemes to make money, and what are our future plans to reconcile this???? Gurudeva was explaining how this is being dealt with and is discouraged, and he went on to talk about how we can sometimes become to internal, focusing on so many little details, such as how high a seat is, etc, when the whole world is going to hell. We have to be wholistic, he said, and yes, use internal reflections and dialogues to improve, but for the sake of saving the whole world, not just to be nitpicky of insignificances. See the actual lecture online for details.
Gurudeva will see devotees here all day, and will be leaving in the morning for Estonia.
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