There are differences between grihastas. Someone is a brahmana grihastha; someone is a ksatriya grihastha; someone is a vaisya grihastha; and someone is a sudra grihastha. Everyone earns his livelihood differently and develops economically in a different way.
A brahmana is dependent on donations. This means that he will live austerely because people, in general, do not give big donations. He can live in a forest … brahmanas love to live austerely. A perfect example of this is Sudama brahmana.
A ksatriya earns his livelihood by collecting taxes or serving the government.
A vaisya earns a living by doing business. He buys something at a low price and sells it at a high price, telling people that he did not make any money. This is a vaisya. Prabhupada said that a vaisya has to lie, that this is part of his dharma.
A sudra makes his livelihood by working for others for a salary.
The point is that we are all Vaishnavas. Ultimately, no one of us is a sudra, a brahmana, a vaisya or a ksatriya. A vaishnava can act to teach by example
without being a sudra.
But the point I am making is that devotees in the householder asrama are responsible for the rest of the society. It is your responsibility to maintain brahmacaris and sannyasis.
The point is
That we are all
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