Dear Bir Krishna Maharaja,
please accept my humble obeisance’s.
All glories to You!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I just read Your new “blog” section on Your web site.
I have started with last one-about the health.
I must admit to You that I have read it in one breath!!!
I felt EVERYTHING You said as the truth, not partial, but complete truth.
Unfortunately, we have lost some devotees also here in Serbia because of some
reasons You have mention.
I personally also suffer a great health problems now, just because I was not
careful enough about my health and my lifestyle.
But from now on, I have decided to change the “suicidal” course of unhealthy
life. Yes, I also would like to live longer, to serve in this body as long as
possible. You gave me the perspective now of how important is to take care
about ourselves, too. For many many years, a lot of us were thinking not so much (or not at
all) about our health. But now, I can see how much valuable is this body we have.
Thank You so much for awakening me up from the such a great illusion and
misconception I was living in!
Thank You for sharing the jewels of Your realizations with us!
Thank You for teaching us how to live properly in this world!
Your thankful servant,
Bhakti-Grantha das
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